On January the 29th 2016 AN ARTICLE was published on Schelstraete’s website regarding a legal procedure at the Court of Oost-Brabant on the construction of an Equestrian Surface. In this matter the Court decided on the 13th of January 2016 in favour of Schelstraete Equine Lawyers’s (EUAEL Alliance Partner) client that the contractor violated its duty to warn its customer.
Such violation results in an imputable shortcoming and therefore the contractor is bound to compensate the customer for the damages. Parties have continued litigation on this matter.
In a court decision dating 3th of August 2016 the Court has determined the damages and the contractor has been obliged to reimburse these damages.
Client was represented in this procedure by Mr. Schelstraete and Mr. Zitman of Schelstraete Equine Lawyers’s (EUAEL Alliance Partner).
Read more about this case on rechtspraak.nl (dutch only)